Project GENE By: David Hayes Disclaimer: Some charecters are a copywrite of Archie Comics Inc., and Dic Enterainment. Some charecters are a copywrite of 1998 David Hayes and Life Journeys Productions. Bookshire is a copywrite of David Pistone Timeline: A week after "Armageddon." Rated G. ________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1: It had been a week since the all had chronoshifted to the new Mobius, since Nick and Sonic died, along with Robotnik, Packbell, Snivley, and all the swatbots. Sally was orginizing the construction of the new kingdom, which was going on nicely. Though she had stopped crying, she missed Sonic dearly. Tails was very sad also, and everyone else was too. The Castle was already set up, and ready to live in. They were now building residential homes. Sally was in her new room, writing in her journal. The last past week has been such a joy to work with. Everyone seems to be getting along, and we're meeting new natives everyday. They're all very young, no more than five years old, and very primitive. We want to educate them, so they can fit in with the rest of society. For my personal affairs... it's still very difficult accepting Sonic... the one true hero, is gone. Bookshire wants to talk to me today about Sonic, but I'm not sure what. My old vest, is the only thing that still reminds us of him. Rosie gave me a new one yesterday. Better go... time for the meeting with Bookshire. Sally closed the journal and slid the pen in the spiral. She put it in her nightstand, and walked out the door. She jogged down the hallway into the main meeting room. There was Bookshire, Rotor, and Dr.Qauck. "Oh good princess! You're here! Please, take a seat." said Bookshire. Sally sat down in a chair, with a large, round table by it. Bookshire stood up. "There may be a way to bring back Sonic, and you have part of the thanks." Sally then opened her mouth. "That's GREAT! How?" "Well, you see, since your vest had some of Sonic's blood, it also has his DNA, or deoxyribounceic acid on it as well. We might be able to clone his body... and have his original brain as well. It's easy brining back the original brain, but it's a little harder making an EXACT copy of his body. He'll retain all memory, and he'll be exactly the same, just... fresher." said Bookshire. Sally was crying, happily, and ran over across the room and hugged Bookshire. "Is it in the limits of science?" she asked. "It is, Sally, though none of us has personally done it." said Dr.Qauck. "We'll let's get to it!" said Sally. "We need your vest first!" said Rotor. "Oh, yeah!" Chapter 2: Sally, Bookshire, Rotor, and Dr.Quack were in a sience room. Dr.Qauck had a micro-blood-drawing -needle, looking at the sweat stained, blood smeared, torn and tattered vest of Sally's. He also had a lifescan, looking for any living elements. He came to an are with alot of activity, but it was probably bacteria. He took a closer look, and, it wasn't. This was living blood! Doctor Qauck carefully struck the needle lightly on the are of the vest, so not to go through. He pulled back on the syringe, and a small emount of blood came out. So small it was practically impossible for the eye to see. But it was enough. Dr.Qauck put it under a microscope to make sure. "We found it!" he said. Sally exititedly said, "Well move on!" Bookshire took the syringe and put it under a bigger microscope. He moved over with a large machine with two long arms, and very, very, very thin wires coming from the arms, even thinner than a piece of hair. Bookshire sat up up onto the machine, and the scope from the microscope came to his eye. Two braces with wires conecting from it went around his arms and hands. When he moved his arms, the thin wires moved. He was controling them. Rotor was adjusting some of the circuits on the machine, or as it's called "The Micro Arms", to make sure it worked. The thin wires moved into the syringe, and Bookshire was moving his arms around. Dr.Qauck explained to Sally, "Since the DNA is older now, there some gaps in the strands. So he's taking different parts of different strands and making one huge superstrand." "Interesting. Is this all, legal?" asked Sally. "You're now the one in charge Sally, it's up to you." said Rotor overhearing the two's conversation. "That's right... I'm the only remaining member of the Royal Family... umm, it's ok as long as you have special permission from me. And in this case, DO IT!" she said. "Done." said Bookshire. The Micro Arms backed off, and Bookshire got off. He held a large tube, about a foot and a half tall, and it was glass. "The DNA is ready for the cloning process." said Bookshire to Dr.Qauck. Dr.Qauck grabbed the tube and put it into a canaster. "You may start the process, Rotor." said Dr.Quack. Rotor clicked a few buttons on the computer. "Man let's hope this works." said Bookshire. Green gasses filled the canaster. Tails was crying in his bed in the palace; it had been very hard to see Sonic go. He heard footsteps behind him. He looked up for a moment, and when he did he noticed that there was literaly a puddle of clear, hard earned water. He looked at the figure, and he gasped. "Alicia! What are you doing here?" asked Tails. "Well, I was going to comfort you, but from the looks of it I might go swimming ." she said giggling, looking at the puddle. Tails' expression didn't change and Alicia sat down by him. "Com'on, Tails. Sooner or later you've got to execpt he's gone." Tails lowered his head. "I can't execpt that." Alicia lowered her hand into the water and picked some up in her hand. She showed it to Tails and said, "Well the result shouldn't be this." Tails put his face on her shoulder then Alicia hugged him. Chapter 3: Sally looked in horor at the small, fluid covered ball in the canaster, that it was going to be Sonic. It slowly was forming and growing. "You see, we're re-growing him, very quickly so he can be the body of a fifteen year old." said Dr.Qauck. Then, a little arm started to grow out, and then the legs. In a while he looked like a baby, and Rotor clicked a few buttons, then the the cloning machine shut down. Bookshire took out the canaster. "Man... he's heavy!" said Bookshire. Sally looked sadly at the tiny baby, who didn't have any expression on his face. His mouth was strait and his eyes were closed. Bookshire placed the canaster ontop a long tube, then all the liquid drained out. He opened the canaster and took out Sonic. He put him in a much larger canaster now, one Sally could fit into. More liquids filled the tube, then his groth started again. He finally after an hour was at the age he was, fifteen and three thirds. The liquids drained again, and it was like he was standing there asleep. "So now what?!" asked Sally exitedly. "Now we put in his brain." said Dr.Qauck. "Sally, maybe you shouldn't watch this. Even though we don't have to surgically put it in, it's kinda gory." said Rotor. Dr.Qauck walked in with a glass bok with a brain... Sonic's real brain in it. Rotor was right, it was gory. But she insisted to watch. He placed the box on a platform with two electrical instruments on each side. In the canaster, Sonic had two similar instruments on each side of his head. Dr.Qauck handed them all sunglasses. "This will be very, very bright so we need these SPF 95 sunglasses to watch." Rotor pressed a few dials, then they heard an extremley loud humming noise, then a streak of electricity went from each side of the instruments going right through the brain. It happened in the canaster also. Then, the brain dissapeared, and the electric shock increased going through Sonic's head. When it all ended, Sonic started to breathe. "Sonic won't be consouis for about a minute." sad Dr.Qauck. The canaster opened and Sally ran to it. Sonic fell into Sally's arms, then they all carried him onto a bed. A minute later, his eyes started to open. Chapter 4: "Sonic?" asked Sally softly. Sonic tried to move his lips. "Yea... ya, yee, yes..." Dr.Qauck explained. "His brain is adjusting to the body." Sonic's eyes opened and the first thing he noticed was a beatiful blue. Sally's eyes. "Aren't.... I.. sus, suposed to ba ba be,... dead?" asked Sonic streaking his hand through Sally's hair. "We brought you back, Sonic." said Sally crying in joy. "Ha-how?" he asked. Sally couldn't continue, so Rotor did. "We were able to clone you by using the blood on Sally's vest. We were able to get your original brain, and place it in your head." Sonic's eyes were half open. "Oh... mah, man." he said. He closed his eyes, then opened them fully. He staggeringly got up. And moved his fingers down his body. "It looks the same... it feels the same... but it's not the same." he said. Sally really didn't care. She hugged him. But Sonic still didn't know what to think. He put his hand on his forehead. "I'm... I'm fake." he said. Sally frowned. "But you're back! You should be happy!" she said. "Where am I?" he asked. "In Caslte Acorn, on the new Mobius." said Sally. Sonic walked away, and put his head down against the wall. "So you cloned me, and now I'm alive again..." Sonic paused then said, "Can you show me my room?" he said sadly. Sally looked at Sonic. Something had changed him. Oh duh... death of course. "We... haven't made your room yet Sonic. You can stay in a geust-" Sonic walked off out the door. Bookshire, Rotor, and Dr.Qauck left. Sally walked into her own room, and layed down in her bed. She heard a echo voice. "Come on Sally. Sonic doesn't know what to think." Sally got up to find a familiar figure. "Nick!!! You're... oh my gosh!" she said scared. It was Nick, but he was transparent. "Yes, I am dead. But I'm hear to tell you about Sonic. You've just created a life, something no one's ever done before. He feels like he's a thing, something made. He is that, Sally. The only thing that's going to keep him going is your compassion. If it weren't for that, he's either go mad or kill himself." Sally lowered her head. "I understand." Nick started to fade away. "Don't go Nick!" But it was too late. He was gone. She pondered this. Sally got up and walked into the dinning room. She asked a chef to make her scurlliene fish, which was a mobian fish, which kind of looks like a salmon. She waited for a while then got it, and started to eat it. She pulled out a hand held radio from her vest. "And today several fires have been set off in the engineering division of Mobotropolis, which was the result of arson. This division had just started construction, and most of it and the suplies have been burnt. Fires have also been reported in residential homes and hospitals. Some people think someone's trying to stop us from building our new city. In other news..." Sally clicked a few buttons on the radio then a voice came up. "Yes, princess?" said the clerk on the other side. "Why wasn't I informed of the fires that went off today?" she asked. "You were busy, and we didn't want to interupt." said the clerk. A messanger ran to Sally. "Princess! Take a look out the window!" Sally walked to the huge window. She gasped and her entire soul trembled. The city was on fire. People were running everywhere evacuating. Sally yelled into the radio. "Dispacth all water helicopters, make sure everyone is at high ground, then dump the water tower! I don't want this to spread!" The clerk said, "Do you think it's wise dumping all that water?" There conversation was broke by a huge wind over the city, that burned out all the fires. Sally ran through the castle and walked outside. There was alot of smoke, then a figure walked up to her. Sonic. Chapter 5: "Did you?" asked Sally. Sonic nodded and walked into the palace. She followed him and stopped him. "Sonic, remember the last thing you said to me in the shaft?" she asked. "Yes I do. And I stand to say that today." he said. Sally's memory went back to that day. "If I go into a sonicspin, I could blow up that thing." "No Sonic! You would die if you did that! There's no way you could get out in time to avoid the explosion!" "Maybe if I go very fast, I could blast right through it." They knew that was impossible. "Sally, I've wanted to say this to you forever... I love you." "I never got to tell you, Sonic, but I feel the exact same way." she said smiling. "Yeah I think I knew that Sally." said Sonic fastly walking into his room and slaming the door. Sally took a deep breath. She slowly walked down the hall. Her mind changed when she saw through the window, that not as much damaged was caused from the fires. She looked at her hands. She contolled Mobius- she was the one with all the power. But there was something that controlled her. It was Sonic. Maybe not physically, but his love controlled alot of her actions. She walked back down the hallway and nocked on Sonic's door. It opened and he said, "Oh. You." He walked in and sat down in a chair, and Sally sat down on the bed. "C'mon, Sonic. I understand this is a shock to you, but you shouldn't let it control you're actions! I mean, you saved Mobotropolis, and even if that's not enough, you saved us all!" she said. "Yeah Sally, but I was created. I'm a toy." he said. "Sonic, no you're not. You're you're formor self, just in a fresher form." "I know Sally. I know." "And Sonic, everyone's rejocing that you're alive! You are the most famous person on Mobius!" Sonic the lowered his head. "Sally you don't know half the story. I was brought back from a different world. I never got there, but I remember going through a warm, bright, inviting life, urg... light. Now I feel like I've been dragged from... heaven." he said. Sally stood up. "Oh... Sonic... I didn't think it was that." she said understanding. She put her hand on his shoulder. "I understand how you must feel Sonic. Come on, though. You're tough. You've got a second chance now." she said. Sonic lifted his head up and smiled. "How the heck does your dang words change my mind?" Sally laughed and stepped up to Sonic. "You're my kind of hedgehog." They kissed each other. THE END